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Top Courses

Procurement, Warehousing and Logistics

Course Name Starts DurationCity
Fundamentals of contracting purchases: Types of contracts and best practices 07/01/2024 5 Days Dubai - Sharm Al-Shiekh
Manage purchases, bids and negotiations with suppliers 14/01/2024 5 Days Riyadh - Morocco
Technology excellence and creativity in the management of purchases and stores 21/01/2024 5 Days Amsterdam - Kuala Lumpur
Advanced management of procurement and supply chain and contracts 28/01/2024 10 Days Cairo - New York
Recent trends in E-Purchasing management 28/01/2024 5 Days Jeddah - Istanbul
Procurement and logistics management capabilities 04/02/2024 5 Days London - Riyadh
Procurement and logistics management capabilities 04/02/2024 5 Days London - Riyadh
Operational excellence for procurement and strategic sourcing and supplier management 11/02/2024 5 Days Tunisia - Dubai
Recent trends in procurement management: The global concept of procurement and supply activities and its utilization in the Internet 18/02/2024 5 Days Cairo - Bahrain
Qualify suppliers, manage performance and comply with contracts 25/02/2024 5 Days Istanbul - Rome
Purchasing, contracts and performance management 05/03/2024 5 Days Rome - Istanbul
Public procurement management in the era of digital technology 17/03/2024 5 Days Dubai - Alexandria
Advanced trends in procurement, bidding and contract management systems 24/03/2024 5 Days Jordan - Jeddah
Advanced contract management 31/03/2024 5 Days Morocco - Dubai
Management of logistics operations and modern supply chain systems 07/04/2024 5 Days Kuala Lumpur - Riyadh
Certified Supply Chain Specialist (CSCP) 09/04/2024 5 Days Dubai - Tunisia
Quality and risk management for warehouse operations and management 21/04/2024 5 Days Dammam - New York
Certified Purchase Manager 28/04/2024 10 Days Geneva - Dubai
Excellence in managing tenders, specifications and contracts 28/04/2024 5 Days Bahrain - Cairo
Continuity and sustainability in supply chain operations 05/05/2024 5 Days Cairo - Bahrain
Fundamentals of contracts, bids and best practices 12/05/2024 5 Days Madrid - Istanbul
Certified contract and procurement specialist 21/05/2024 5 Days Dubai - Jakarta
 Modern skills in managing warehouses and storage 26/05/2024 5 Days Morocco - Sharm Al-Shiekh
Administrative and technical competence in local and international procurement 02/06/2024 5 Days Rome - Kuala Lumpur
The latest practices and standards of government procurement and contracting systems 09/06/2024 5 Days Istanbul - Sharm Al-Shiekh
Advanced systems in warehouse management, inventory analysis and control 16/06/2024 5 Days Jordan - Riyadh
Marketing strategies in light of economic crises 25/06/2024 5 Days Cairo - Dubai
Recent trends in logistics warehouse management and transport and supply control systems 07/07/2024 5 Days Dubai - Bahrain
Mastering tenders and contract management 14/07/2024 5 Days Morocco - Jordan
Certified Warehouse Manager 21/07/2024 5 Days Riyadh - Istanbul
The new scientific concept of the activities of stores and warehouses and the uses of the Internet in light of the requirements of ISO 21/07/2024 5 Days Cairo - Dammam
Certificate in Purchasing, Inventory and Cost Accounting 30/07/2024 10 Days Paris - Sharm Al-Shiekh
Storage and handling of toxic chemicals and hazardous materials 04/08/2024 5 Days Jeddah - Sharm Al-Shiekh
Advanced certificate in procurement, contract management and writing specifications 11/08/2024 5 Days Istanbul - Geneva
Qualify suppliers, manage performance and comply with contracts 18/08/2024 5 Days Jordan - Riyadh
Advanced procurement techniques, bidding and supplier selection 25/08/2024 5 Days Bahrain - Dubai
Warehouse management systems and modern warehouse control systems 01/09/2024 5 Days New York - Jeddah
Managing supplier risks and building resilience in times of uncertainty 08/09/2024 5 Days Cairo - Morocco
Certified Professional in Purchasing Management (CILT) 15/09/2024 5 Days Riyadh - Dubai
Essential Analytical Techniques for Strategic Buying 22/09/2024 5 Days Istanbul - Sharm Al-Shiekh
Management of processing operations and modern supply and supply systems 01/10/2024 5 Days Kuala Lumpur - Dammam
International logistics management strategies 06/10/2024 5 Days Cairo - Dubai
Governance of supply chain practices 13/10/2024 5 Days Jeddah - Alexandria
Advanced management of tenders and purchase contracts - the practical and legal side 20/10/2024 5 Days Tunisia - Dubai
Contract management and negotiation techniques in a procurement environment 27/10/2024 10 Days Riyadh - Paris
Logistics Network Design 05/11/2024 5 Days New York - Istanbul
Reducing costs and quickly meeting needs in warehouse management and inventory control using Oracle 10/11/2024 5 Days Riyadh - Dubai
Contracts and procurement management - advanced level 17/11/2024 5 Days Dubai - Jakarta
Responsible terms of reference - In warehouse management and performance measures 24/11/2024 5 Days Cairo - Jeddah
Storage and handling of toxic chemicals and hazardous materials 01/12/2024 5 Days Jordan - Dubai
Logistics management of warehouses, supply and inventory control 10/12/2024 5 Days Dubai - Sharm Al-Shiekh
Supply Operations Engineering 15/12/2024 5 Days Amsterdam - Istanbul
Best practices in inventory management - advanced 22/12/2024 5 Days Cairo - Bahrain
Modern and advanced management of purchases and contracts 29/12/2024 10 Days Jeddah - New York