Analyzing data and financial statements using statistical methods |
07/01/2024 |
5 Days | Turkey - Alexandria |
Statistics and epidemiology in public health |
14/01/2024 |
5 Days | Cairo - Dubai |
Monetary and financial statistics |
21/01/2024 |
5 Days | Riyadh - Kuala Lumpur |
Technical security statistics (systems and techniques) |
04/02/2024 |
5 Days | Turkey - Riyadh |
Publication of statistical data |
11/02/2024 |
5 Days | Cairo - Morocco |
Administrative statistics and data format |
18/02/2024 |
5 Days | Sharm Al/Shiekh - Jordan |
R software and its use in data analysis |
10/03/2024 |
5 Days | Kuala Lumpur - Dammam |
Skills of using electronic statistical programs in planning and follow/up work |
17/03/2024 |
5 Days | Cairo - Turkey |
Administrative statistics and data format |
24/03/2024 |
5 Days | Dubai - London |
Preparing statistical tables and analyzing data using a computer |
07/04/2024 |
5 Days | London - Cairo |
Statistical analysis using E/Views software |
14/04/2024 |
5 Days | Dubai - Dammam |
Balance of payments statistics preparation (BPSCG) |
21/04/2024 |
5 Days | Turkey - Tunisia |
Time series analysis and forecasting using E/views |
05/05/2024 |
5 Days | Dubai - London |
Statistical quality control using a computer |
12/05/2024 |
5 Days | Alexandria - Turkey |
Apply advanced methods for preparing statistical control maps for quality control |
19/05/2024 |
5 Days | Kuala Lumpur - Riyadh |
Analysis using Minitab software |
02/06/2024 |
5 Days | Dubai - Cairo |
Statistical analysis using SPSS |
09/06/2024 |
5 Days | London - Dammam |
Statistical skills in preparing administrative reports |
16/06/2024 |
5 Days | Turkey - Sharm Al/Shiekh |
Latest technology in data analysis and reporting using Excel |
07/07/2024 |
5 Days | Kuala Lumpur - Riyadh |
Statistical analysis of time series |
14/07/2024 |
5 Days | Sharm Al/Shiekh - Jordan |
Modern statistical techniques to improve products and services |
21/07/2024 |
5 Days | Turkey - Cairo |
Analyzing data and financial statements using statistical methods |
04/08/2024 |
5 Days | Cairo - Dubai |
Data Mining |
11/08/2024 |
5 Days | Turkey - Riyadh |
Statistics for non/professionals |
18/08/2024 |
5 Days | Netherlands - Sharm Al/Shiekh |
Electronic questionnaire and statistical analysis |
01/09/2024 |
5 Days | Turkey - Riyadh |
Supply and use tables and input/output tables |
08/09/2024 |
5 Days | Cairo - Dubai |
Statistics and field survey |
15/09/2024 |
5 Days | London - Alexandria |
Statistical analysis using SPSS |
06/10/2024 |
5 Days | Dubai - Cairo |
Fundamentals of statistics and research |
06/10/2024 |
5 Days | London - Sharm Al/Shiekh |
Statistics and its role in planning, follow/up and decision/making |
13/10/2024 |
5 Days | Turkey - Kuala Lumpur |
Establishing and developing statistical systems |
03/11/2024 |
5 Days | Sharm Al/Shiekh - Jordan |
Preparing statistical tables and analyzing data using SAS |
10/11/2024 |
5 Days | Turkey - Dammam |
Statistical methods in administrative and financial business |
17/11/2024 |
5 Days | Dubai - Cairo |
Statistical control of operations and applications of quality control maps |
01/12/2024 |
5 Days | Cairo - Turkey |
Statistical skills in preparing administrative reports |
08/12/2024 |
5 Days | Dubai - Riyadh |
Samples and their applications (sampling) |
15/12/2024 |
5 Days | Kuala Lumpur - Dubai |