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Top Courses

Financial Governance

Course Name Starts DurationCity
Impact of the application of corporate governance in family businesses and their sustainability and succession of generations 09/01/2024 5 Days Turkey - Riyadh
Conducting audits and detecting fraud using information technology 12/01/2024 5 Days Cairo - Turkey
Rehabilitation of institutions to apply the principles and standards of governance 06/02/2024 5 Days Dubai - Cairo
How to prepare a corporate governance report 25/02/2024 5 Days Sharm Al-Shiekh - Jordan
Governance of investment fund companies 03/03/2024 5 Days Kuala Lumpur - Dammam
Compatibility between shareholders and board members 11/03/2024 5 Days Sharm Al-Shiekh - Jordan
Governance of insurance companies and insurance brokerage firms 17/03/2024 5 Days Cairo - Turkey
Compliance management and compliance governance 31/03/2024 5 Days Dubai - London
Excellence in managing investor and shareholder relations 02/04/2024 5 Days Turkey - Riyadh
Advanced governance and financial sustainability techniques in the public sector 14/04/2024 5 Days Dubai - Dammam
Legal affairs mechanisms for resolving insurance contract disputes, compliance and corporate governance 28/04/2024 5 Days Turkey - Tunisia
Governance requirements in the quality of auditors' work 05/05/2024 5 Days Dubai - London
Investor Relations Management 19/05/2024 5 Days Alexandria - Turkey
Corporate governance and its role in enhancing the independence and effectiveness of internal audit 26/05/2024 5 Days Kuala Lumpur - Riyadh
Auditing the work of risk management, governance and compliance 16/06/2024 5 Days London - Dammam
Legislative governance in the public sector 30/06/2024 5 Days Turkey - Sharm Al-Shiekh
supply chain governance 04/07/2024 5 Days London - Cairo
Governance requirements in accordance with international financial standards IFRS 07/07/2024 5 Days Kuala Lumpur - Riyadh
Data governance, protection and compliance management 14/07/2024 5 Days Sharm Al-Shiekh - Jordan
Investor relations officer role 21/07/2024 5 Days Turkey - Cairo
Risk management, internal audit and compliance 09/08/2024 5 Days Cairo - Dubai
Developing the skills of board members and senior management 18/08/2024 5 Days Turkey - Riyadh
Managing investment portfolios and specialized financial markets 25/08/2024 5 Days Dubai - Sharm Al-Shiekh
Governance and its practical applications in the public and private sectors 22/09/2024 5 Days London - Alexandria
Advanced governance, risk management and compliance 13/10/2024 5 Days London - Sharm Al-Shiekh
Governance of small and medium enterprises 20/10/2024 5 Days Dubai - Cairo
principles of corporate governance  27/10/2024 5 Days Turkey - Kuala Lumpur
Technical skills for corporate governance and preventing financial and administrative corruption 02/11/2024 5 Days Cairo - Morocco
Recent trends in corporate governance 08/11/2024 5 Days Cairo - Dubai
Role of the private sector and global civil society in global environmental governance 17/11/2024 5 Days Turkey - Dammam
Applying administrative governance in government departments 24/11/2024 5 Days Dubai - Cairo
Governance and performance control systems 15/12/2024 5 Days Dubai - Riyadh
Corporate governance and institutional development 29/12/2024 5 Days Kuala Lumpur - Dubai